"A singular voice on the nylon-stringed guitar"
Alexander Varty, The Georgia Straight - read full article here
"Growing up in Tel Aviv, Itamar Erez had a central vantage point from where he could observe the common threads between Eastern and Western music..."
World Beat Canada- read full article here
"Just when you think you have heard everything, someone records something that proves you haven't. That proof comes in the form of a unique CD by Itamar Erez and The Adama Ensemble"
Upbeat Newsletter, Vancouver Musicians' Association, winter 2006
The music really catches fire...Erez stretches out, using his impressive instrumental technique to great effect..."
Songlines Magazine (2010)
"Itamar Erez is a well educated young composer who writes for films, dance and theater. Aside from this impressive resume, he explores the
music of the Middle East and Spain..."
Eyal Hareuveni, All About Jazz- read full article here
"All ten tracks, written and arranged by Itamar Erez provide an unusual musical richness... a fascinating musical journey"
Yossi Harsonski (yosmusic)- read full article here (in hebrew)
"A composer to watch"
Boston Globe
"On 'Hommage', Erez expands his musical horizons, dedicating his compositions to few of his musical inspirations : Brazilian composer and guitarist /pianist Egberto Gismonti..."
Eyal Hareuveni, All About Jazz- read full article here
“Guitarist Itamar Erez and percussionist Yshai Afterman are fantastically assured musicians who can inventively weave together oriental and flamenco sounds...these boys can really play...”
Songlines Magazine (Jan/Feb 2014)
"Beautiful gem" ("New Dawn" CD review)
Eyal Hareuveni, All About Jazz- read full article here
"I loved your Hommage CD...You are a great addition to the few of us who play both piano and classical guitar and compose!" (Ralph Towner)
"I really dug your band...great writing...and you are a fabulous player... congratulations again on the beautiful music" (John Zorn)
"Itamar Erez combines in his music an impressive artistic ability with virtuosity on both guitar and piano, creativity & mastery in a variety of musical languages... His music is fresh and sweeping, interesting and complex. His music is fluent and full of emotion and nuance... (2014 Landau prize, judges statement)
More links...
Dave Walker's "Hommage" CD review
Itamar Erez receiving the Landau Prize מגזין המושבות (Hebrew)
How Music Can article on Itamar by Daniel Ben Tal
